Saturday, December 27, 2008

Country Christmas II

At long last the waiting paid off, and, all adults suitably fortified with the caffeine of their choice, presents werre distributed.

Santa is a good listener!

Can anyone guess what the rest of my summer will be spent doing?

And listening to?
The rest of the day was spent eating, laughing, and talking on the phone with the much loved absentees. By telephone we shared Uncle Jason's London Christmas (hard to imagine, way over there in the cold!). Naps were enjoyed by a lucky few. We had a delicious dinner of steak and salads, and the grown ups enjoyed a raucus board game while children fell asleep watchin Christmas movies.
It was a joyful, relaxing little visit, and we are very grateful to our generous country 'lations. Hope those Wii-stiffened muscles stop hurting soon!


Kristin said...

Glad y'all had a great Christmas. I've enjoyed the pictures.

meggie said...

Looks like the perfect Christmas. Family are wonderful.

I wish you & all your family a happy & healthy New Year for 2009

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely Christmas!